What are the Impact, Causes and Management of NPAs?
Managing NPAs is crucial for the health of the banking sector and the overall economy. Effective management involves a combination of robust credit appraisal, early detection, and efficient recovery mechanisms. Regulatory frameworks and proactive measures by banks can help mitigate the impact of NPAs. Causes of NPAs: Economic Downturn: A slowdown in the economy can lead to reduced income for businesses and individuals, making it difficult to repay loans. Poor Credit Appraisal: Inadequate assessment of a borrower's creditworthiness can result in lending to individuals or businesses that are unable to repay. Diversion of Funds: Borrowers might divert funds for purposes other than those for which the loan was granted. Fraudulent Activities: Some borrowers might engage in fraudulent activities to secure loans without intending to repay them. External Factors: Factors such as changes in government policies, natural disasters, or significant changes in market conditions can also impact...