Key Option Trading Strategies


1. Covered Call Technique

Selling call options in lieu of existing stock holdings is known as the covered call strategy. With this tactic, traders can make money off the premiums they receive while keeping the underlying stock. It's a cautious strategy appropriate for investors who anticipate that the stock price will remain largely constant.

2. The Protective Put Approach

By purchasing put options, the protective put strategy, often referred to as a married put, protects against a drop in the value of the underlying stock. This tactic guard against substantial losses to the investor's portfolio while enabling participation in prospective upward rises.

3. The Long Straddle Technique

Buying a call and put options with the same strike price and the expiration date is the long straddle strategy's first step. This approach is appropriate for volatile market situations because it benefits from big price changes in either direction.

4. Credit Spread Technique

The credit spread technique is trading calls or puts with different strike prices on the same underlying asset while simultaneously selling and buying options of the same type. This method is employed to increase income and decrease risk exposure.

5. Iron Condor Technique

The bull put and bear call spreads are both used in the iron condor strategy. When price volatility is expected to be minimal, traders will employ this tactic in an effort to capitalize on the time decay of the options.


Options trading can be a powerful tool for investors seeking to diversify their portfolios and capitalize on market opportunities. Understanding the various strategies and risks involved is crucial to successful trading.


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